Thursday, March 12, 2015

Beginner Shred Days 5-6

Day 5

Oh boy! Talk about muscle fatigue! It was much warmer in the house today, so it made the workout seem even harder...blah. Kept up with the 5# weights again, still using the 2# for the anterior raise during the chair squats. I managed to do 15! push-ups today, for BOTH sets! I was so proud of myself. I'm sure I'll be feeling that tomorrow! Still taking breaks between exercises, I'm hoping come Monday after two days of rest I will be able to get through it with only one break. It's my goal anyway, hopefully I can achieve that! I won't move to level two until I can get through with only one break. I'm not going to be too strict with the whole ten days per level, because I don't care to make it through all three levels in 30 workouts, I want to be fit and proud of myself for conquering each level. more day this week, thank goodness, because my body wants a break!!
Today, after exercising I was working on a birthday present for my older brother. I was tracing a picture with small lines and my arms were soooo tired from the exercise I was having difficulties keeping my lines smooth and straight. Needless to say I had a take a couple of breaks to rest my arms because my muscles were so tired!


Day 6

I'm still working on my brother's birthday gift so today I decided to work on it before my workout since I was using an exacto knife to cut out the small pieces. I could still feel it in my arms though, but it went much easier than yesterday! I'll be posting a picture of my project after it's finished if you're curious what I've been working on! :)
Hot again today in the house (not outside for sure...only 20 degrees out there!). I could tell today that my body needs a rest day tomorrow. I am completing all of the exercises as I have been, but I'm just tired and my muscles aren't feeling like they're getting enough time to rest between days. I'm taking Sat and Sun off and will judge next week how I'm managing. I might end up doing Mon-Wed, rest Thurs, then do Fri-Sat, rest Sunday. That way my muscles have a little time to repair themselves and I get he most out of each exercise. Today my goal for push-ups was 16 the first set and 15 the second set. I almost made it, I got the 16 for the first set, but only 14 the second set. I'm still happy though! Especially considering at the beginning of the week I only did a total of 10 for both sets! Thinking about that makes me feel great! Two of my least favorite exercises happen to be at the very end of the DVD...the triceps dips and the squirms. Grrrrr! I dread both of those, but instead of just giving up on them because I dislike them, I'm trying really hard to focus on what I'm doing and do it as best I can so that some day maybe I won't dread them so much. Haha...kinda doubt that, but that's what I keep telling myself. Two rest days and then I'm back at it.!

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