Friday, March 13, 2015

Doctor Who Bleach T-shirts

Beginner Shred update: I was in need of my rest days. Unfortunately I also happened to get nasty sinus issues over my two day rest break as well. On my scheduled day 7 I was so stuffed up I could barely breath and I wasn't sleeping well at night either. So I didn't do the shred, instead I took a 1.5 mile walk outside where amazingly enough my sinuses cleared enough I could kind of breath!

So unfortunately I don't have a Beginner Shred review for you today, I will share with you my older brothers birthday present!

Doctor Who Dalek 

I found the idea on Pinterest and took plenty of time looking for the right stencils I wanted to use. You can easily search for stencils. I just typed "Dalek stencil" and "tardis stencil" and they came up with a ton of options. You can easily search for whatever pattern you like. The Dalek stencil came from Doodlecraft. My Tardis stencil came from Hodgepodge Crochet. I also used their great tutorial for the whole process, which I highly recommend.

The Tardis fading into space

I headed out and got freezer paper from the grocery store, it's in the same isle as plastic wrap and aluminum foil, and two plain t-shirts (washed and dried them before I did anything with them). Also you'll read in the link from Hodgepodge Crochet that different shirts will bleach different colors, if you're really picky you can test your shirt before completing the whole project. 

A few notes of my own:

* I printed my tardis stencil at 50% because I wanted it smaller, you can adjust the size in your print settings when you go to print.

* I used graphite paper (transfer paper) to trace my pictures onto the freezer paper.

* Take your time and plan on giving yourself plenty of time time trace and cut, especially if you have a lot of fine details.

* I used a 4 ounce spray bottle and added about 2 oz of bleach and 2 oz of water. That is way too much. I probably could have easily used half of that and had plenty leftover after doing both shirts.

* a toothbrush works well for bigger spots. I dipped the toothbrush in the bleach/water mix and then flicked it once before flicking it on to the shirt because it left really big spot if I didn't do the first flick.

* make sure your shirt is flat when you are working on it. Anywhere there a folds in your shirt, that fabric won't be bleached.

* I was working on my back porch in really cold temps. I had a bucket of water and when I finished the first shirt I dunked it in the water where it sat until I finished the second shirt. I then took them inside and rinsed them in my bathtub. Making sure to really rinse out my bucket I then put the shirts back in and covered them with the white vinegar and took them back outside to sit. I used about a half gallon of vinegar for the two shirts.

It was really fun and I would recommend for anyone to try.

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